PillarA NationalTrainings

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  • Sustainability of the programme is ensured by creating a community of practice around the development of the course materials and keeping them closely involved throughout the course of the programme

National Follow-Ups

  • After the completion of the regional trainings and the „Train the Trainer“ phase of the programme, a roll out on a national level into the partaking countries is planned.
  • The trainers partaking in the regional training courses will need to be equipped to act as multipliers in their own countries. Their selection should allow for coverage of all countries involved in the programme.
  • The person(s) responsible for implementing Pillar A will act as resource person and knowledge manager for the national follow-up trainings. Through online communication, the implementations of the national trainings will be guided and supported, assisted by the Africa coordinator (who will be responsible for the coordination of all ict@innovation training programmes).
  • The first follow up trainings will be subsidized by InWEnt – a cost sharing model between participants and InWEnt will be proposed. For this, a voucher system should be designed, defining an application process for subsidies and criteria for such subsidies.
  • The person(s) responsible for implementing Pillar A will be responsible for the review of the content section of applications for subsidies.
  • The material of the trainings will be localized according to national economic and legal frameworks and translated into the national working languages (if required) by the national multipliers.
  • The community of trainers, multipliers, content creators and other stakeholders involved will use the ict@innovation programme portal (to be developed) as a platform for knowledge exchange and communication throughout the course of the programme.
  • Those trainers at the national level who pass their knowledge on successfully in the second phase of the programme to others and who show strong engagement during the trainings and online follow-up phase will be invited to a second training workshop which will also involve a planning session for the further roll out and future programme stages.

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