Peer Tutoring at Otago Polytechnic

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How Does it work at Otago Polytechnic?

  1. Students apply to be a Peer Tutor and supply the name of a referee from their department. If the reference is suitable from the department, and there is a need for a tutor in this subject area, the student will be offered a position of Peer Tutor and must commence training.
  2. Letter of Appointment as a Peer Tutor is sent from The Human Resources Department
  3. Peer Tutors meet the Peer Tutoring Coordinator at the Learning Centre then enrol for the online Students Tutoring Students course called Peer tutoring on wikieducator.
  4. The Learning Centre matches Learners with Peer Tutors (according to subject areas, personality, suitability).
  5. Peer Tutors contact the student and arrange a place to meet for the first and subsequent tutoring sessions
  • A record (journal) of all tutoring sessions is kept and submitted to the Learning Centre at regular intervals while tutoring.
  • Timesheets are handed in to the Learning Centre fortnightly.
  • The total hours of tutoring are to be arranged by the Learning Centre

Support meetings for Peer Tutors with the Learning Centre are held at notified times.