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DECP 05: Developing e-Content

e-Learning in broader way


What Moodle has for education and why use it?

Moodle is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which makes it easy for you to provide online support for your course. Providing a central space on the web where students and staff can access a set of tools and resources anytime anywhere. Staff and students of the Department have found most valuable aspects are:

An easy way to communicate with students and staff where ever they are:

The news form automatically emails messages to all students and staff on the course. Forums can also be used to answer commonly asked questions – and prevent repeats, to provide a space for informal peer to peer student discussion or even online tutorials.

A quick way to share documents:

Moodle provides a place where you can easily create web pages with information about your course and provide links to word documents, slides, and other resources that your students will want to access.

Easy access to relevant and useful online resources:

The department and the university provide a wealth of materials and resources, but catering for so many different types of students it can be hard for learners to find those that are most relevant to them. You can use your Moodle to provide links directly to the resources that will be most useful for your students whether e-library resources, skills courses, or information about nice pubs to visit in Oxford.

Online assignment handling:

When your students and tutors are not close to Oxford online assignment handling can save time and effort for everyone involved – whether it is just used for student submission with marking done on paper or the whole process is moved online saving time, postage and paper.

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