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DECP 03: e-Learning Application Development

e-Learning in broader way

Setup & System Requirements

The App Inventor development environment is supported for Microsoft Windows Operating System, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux, and several popular Android phone models. Applications created with App Inventor can be installed on any Android phone. Before you can use App Inventor, you need tosetup your computer and install the App Inventor Setup package on your computer.

System requirements

To use App Inventor, your computer must meet the following system requirements:

Computer and operating system

  • Macintosh (with Intel processor): Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6, or
  • Microsoft: Windows XP SP 2 & Above, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or
  • GNU/Linux: Ubuntu 8+, Debian 5+.


  • Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or higher, or
  • Apple Safari 5.0 or higher, or
  • Google Chrome 4.0 or higher, or
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higher.


Applications created with App Inventor can run on any Android Phone. The development environment and Setup software itself directly supports the following phones:

  • Google: Nexus S, Nexus One, ADP1, ADP2, Ion
  • T-Mobile: G1*, myTouch 3G*
  • Motorola: Droid*
  • Or similar hardware on other carriers.

NOTE: Any other handset may require installation drivers provided by the handset manufacturer.

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