Assignment 3

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e-Learning activity summary

Title: Exploring Open Educational Resources on Exercise and Sport Psychology - Context evaluation
5 hours

Start here

Read the recommended articles and visit the following links
  • Stimulus activity: Choose one of the following psychological influences on performance commonly addressed in the sport psychology literature – anxiety, concentration, moods and emotions, motivation, self-confidence, team dynamics. Locate and read one or more articles related to your chosen psychological factor from the list of Open Online Journals or the Course Repository.:
  • Stimulus 2:
  • Stimulus 3:

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This micro-course is designed to take approximately 40 hours to complete. It is divided into two segments of 5 hours each and two segments of 15 hours each. Those who wish to be assessed for course credit will complete two assignments. Assessment will be charged on a cost recovery basis.

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  • View Video Signpost #2 featuring Professor Peter Terry.
  • Add the article(s) you located to the Course Repository.
  • Provide an analysis of how the psychological factor you chose may influence performance in the sport of your choice (see further details at Assignment 1).

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Learning outcome actions

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  2. Fusce quis nibh nec nulla sollicitudin ornare vel sit amet augue.
  3. Donec nunc arcu, pulvinar non tristique eu, molestie nec lorem.