OERu/Planning/Credit transfer and course articulation advisory service working group/23 July 2014 Meeting

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When: 23 July 2014, 2:00PM PDT (Click on link for your local time.)
Where: Google hangouts (link sent via personal email)
Document: Planning document


  1. Welcome
  2. Teleconference questions for survey
    • Is your OERu course being offered for credit at your own institution?
    • If yes, can you provide a transcript for students who are not enrolled in a credential program at your university?
    • Can you offer a summative assessment for students who do not register for the course with your institution? If so, how will you verify the student identity (ie how will you know it is the student asking for credit who actually did the work?)
    • If you can provide such a summative assessment, can you put it on a transcript for transfer to another institution?
  3. Suggested process for the interview
  4. Possible institutions for interview
    • TRU (Art Appreciation and Techniques)
    • USQ (Regional relations in Asia and the Pacific)
    • Otago Polytechnic (Open Educational Practice and Change with Digital Technologies in Education)
    • Empire State College
    • Thomas Edison
    • Excelsior
    • University of South Wales
    • Athabasca University
  5. Assigning institutions to working group members
  6. Next steps


  1. Attendance: Christine Wihak, Wayne Mackintosh, Marc Singer, Mika Hoffman, Jo Smedley. Apologies: Carina Bossu, Ron McGivern
  2. Reviewed proposed questions for teleconference interviews.
    • Noted potential challenges regarding international usage of concepts and institutional assessment practices.
    • Resolved to define key concepts and articulate assumptions as a common starting point for the interviewers.
    • Resolved to change 3rd question to read "is there a summative assessment available" to cater for institutions who recognise third party assessment services for local credit.
    • Suggested that the interviewer explains the questions to the interviewees so that they are able to consult with relevant staff at their organisations. Interviewer will follow up with the OERu contact to finalise the responses.
    • Resolved that respective members of the working group will complete the questionnaire for their own organisations (i.e. TRU, Otago Polytechnic, TESC, Excelsior College and University of South Wales.)
  3. Agreed to source an additional OERu partner for each member of the working group to interview which will include USQ, ITSligo and Athabasca University. Wayne to follow up with North-West University. Will take time zones into account.
  4. Noted that this sample does not include all partners, but it is intended as a first step to establish what is currently possible at "sending" institutions with partners who have existing OERu courses or have made sufficient progress with the model. We anticipate to extend the survey to a wider audience to establish what is possible at "receiving" institutions within the network.
  5. Resolved to complete the initial survey within the next fortnight.