OERu/Planning/2016 Action plan/MVP Tech 01/Task 02 TrackingProgress

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Key points
  • MVP Group: Technology
  • Objective: Identify and implement tools to help track tasks and completion
  • MVP code: Technology O2


  • A list of required capabilities
  • A list of tools already in use to manage tasks
  • A list of tools we are planning to use to address unmet requirements
  • A list of capabilities for which we do not have the right tool...

Criteria for success

Capabilities List

We have a distributed, multidisciplinary, virtual team of people taking part in the Task Force who will be completing this Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and the supporting Minimum Viable Platform (MVP2) on which it will be made available to its target audiences.

Because of the diverse backgrounds and skill sets represented in our Task Force, we have to meet the major challenge of describing the tasks, their significance, and how they depend on one another. We must simultaneously avoid asking people to read and understand more than they need to know, as this does not encourage volunteers to participate.

As a matter of principle, we want to make sure the solutions we adopt to address these issues

So, we would benefit from technology solutions to do address the following problems:

  • providing succinct information about the MVPs, and the requirements
    • currently these are described here on WikiEducator but they may need to be repackaged somehow to reduce the information overflow.
  • a list of key dates and an easy way for Task Force members to determine which ones are relevant to them.
    • currently, a Gantt chart exists in WikiEducator, but this may need to be split into multiple charts, for each team within the Task Force
  • tracking progress on task, allocating responsibilities
  • communicating with one another - in several different modes:
  • storing digital artefacts and making them available for distribution
  • recording and searching tacit information
    • currently using WikiEducator for this. We could look having per-team rooms with chat.oeru.org