Nutrition for Breastfeeding Mothers

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In order to have optimal milk production, it is very important for breastfeeding mothers to have adequate nutrition.

Types of Breast Milk

Foremilk on left, hindmilk on right

Colostrum is the first type of breast milk that develops during pregnancy. Colostrum is yellow in color and has a thick consistency. This type of milk is present for a few days after the baby is born. Colostrum is a good source of protein, antibodies, vitamins and minerals. Between two to four days after childbirth, colostrum is replaced by transitional milk. This type of milk is white and thin in consistency. It has high amounts of calories, protein, fat, vitamins, and lactose. About 10 to 15 days after childbirth, mature milk begins to be produced. The foremilk, which is present in the beginning of the feeding and is mostly composed of water, may appear to have a blue tint to it. The hindmilk is white in color, and has an increased fat content. Hindmilk is what provides the majority of the baby’s nutrition at this time.


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