Welcome to Math Glossary Main Page

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This glossary is far from complete. We are constantly adding math terms.
For instructions on adding new terms, please refer to Math Glossary Main Page

Information icon.svg MathGloss
A resource for Mathematics Projects
See: History

Help2.pngAbout Math Glossary

Icon objectives.jpg
The goal of the Math Glossary is to:
  • develop a reusable resource of short definitions of concepts used in different Math & Science projects in WikiEducator;
  • include illustrative examples and related links to the respective concepts in the glossary;
  • target K-12 and early tertiary grade learners (Aged 5-18).

Structure of Data

The data contained in the glossary is organized into a hierarchical structure, having three levels arranged in a treelike structure:

  • Level 1: The home page of the Math Glossary ( i.e. this page using the wiki syntax: [[MathGloss]] );

  • Level 2: The alphabetical listing of concepts ( i.e. pages listing all concepts starting with the corresponding letter of the alphabet, for example the letter "A" using the wiki syntax: [[MathGloss/A]] ); and

  • Level 3: The subpage containing the definition of the concept -the record. ( for example the term "Absolute Value" would using the wiki syntax: [[MathGloss/A/Absolute Value]] );

The following graphic illustrates the hierarchical structure for the term "Angle":



Workspace1.pngLayout for each Glossary concept (record)

Each new concept (record) will have its own page located in Level 3, containing:

Field Contents of Field
1. Definition Pedagogical Template : {{Definition| Definition of the term }}
2. Examples Text, Images, Collaborative Video (Kaltura), Flash Animations, Animated Gifs, Audio, etc.
3. External Links Pedagogical template : {{web_resources| List of Web Resources }}

Very Important. Any concept included in the page must be internal-linked in the case it has its own definition in the Glossary or in any other page on WE. Eg. See " Absolute Value"

We highly recommend that you follow this layout. ... This is important for consistency.


Kpager.pngAdding new concepts in three easy steps

STEP 1. Starting on Level 1 (this page), go to the Math Glossary Navigation Bar (top of this page), locate and click in the appropiate letter for your new concept. Then you will entering Level 2.

STEP 2. On Level 2, you will find a list of the concepts (records) we already have added to the Glossary; if you find nothing, it means you will be the first contributor for the subpage.

Click the edit tab to switch to edtion mode, then copy and paste this code in the appropiate place in the list:

[[/New concept title here/]]<br/>

Please note we are following an alphabetical order of concepts. Save the page.

STEP 3. Click in the link of the new page you have just created. Now you will be entering Level 3 (automatically in edit mode).

Copy and paste the code below:


{{Definition|'''Write here your concept title'''
Write here your new concept definition<br/>
Write here examples
* Write here links for external definitions<br/>

This code has two types of data:

  • fixed titles and markup (green color) of each field (please don't overwrite or erase), and
  • variable data (black-bold-italics), starting with "Write here... " paragraphs which must be changed to the info of your new concept.

Save the page...

Et voilà! ... The WE family deeply appreciate your contribution. Face-grin.svg

Icon present.gif
Tip: If an image you insert overflows into the next section, just add following template code:

right after the image code.

Icon present.gif
Tip: When you use somewhat unique information obtained from a particular resource, e.g., part of a definition or an example, please cite the resource using the following format:
  • Following the information to be cited, add <ref>details of citation</ref>. This will appear as a numbered superscript link.
  • To create the section where the citation will be listed, add the following wiki markup at the bottom of the page, after "Web Resources":
<references />

We use Wikipedia's citations as a model, see Citing Sources and Citing Sources/Example Styles.

Examples in the Math Glossary: MathGloss/H/Histogram, MathGloss/P/Pictograph


Latex logo.pngMath Symbols and Math Notation

Wikipedia-logo-en.png LaTeX
Wikipedia has an article on this subject.

Visit LaTeX for more in depth information

  • We can take advantage of [math]\mathrm{L\!\!^{{}_{\scriptstyle A}} \!\!\!\!\!\;\; T\!_{\displaystyle E} \! X} \,[/math] installed in WikiEducator. This feature will make our job a lot easier when writing Math Notation.

Kview.png Quality Assurance

  • All definitions must be based on valid and realiable sources.
  • Any item is perfectible. The team is committed to review all concepts, making necessary corrections and/or additions.
  • Examples should be as realistic as possible. Creativity is welcomed.
  • Let's make sure each page can be converted to PDF (individually) by using the "PDF Generator". Each page can also be part of a Collection. Please see Help:Collections. This powerfull features convert our job to a portable format which is easy to deliver, reuse or print.

Kuser.pngJoin the team

Math Glossary is a collaborative effort to built-up a comprehensive collection of mathematical concepts gleaned directly from con-textual materials in the field of math education. Feel free to add new Math terms and/or edit the existing ones.

Icon preknowledge.gif


We encourage our contributors to meet the following requirements:

Join the team, just add your name and signature. (Click on the RTENOTITLE button in the edit tool bar), and start feeding the Glossary.


  • Rashmi Kathuria--Rashkath 12:19, 22 September 2011 (UTC)

Edu languages.pngLet's Talk

  • For general comments regarding to Math Glossary, use our Talk Page.
  • For comments regarding an sepecific concept, use the correspondent Talk Page.
  • For more complex technical issues, please add a post at WE Google Group. The tech team is always ready to help us.

Korganizer.pngToDo's / Needs

  • Note: some content posted here was moved to Talk Page (discussion: Issues regarding to generating PDF).
  • We need to recruit more contributors (math teachers, multimedia developers, etc). Please spread the word.
  • Be aware of new math/science developings in WE.
  • Promote the Math Glossary in different forms.
  • Invite newbies we identify as math teachers or multimedia developers to join the team.

Top of PageTop.png

Networking.pngRelevant Links

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External Links

Icon inter.gif

Web Resources
