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Using the MOSEP Wiki to resource an ePortfolio course

The MOSEP Wiki can help you to design and resource any course that you might want to create on the subject of ePortfolios.

As a Teacher/trainer, once you have decided on what it is that you want to introduce, in terms of a particular topic, you will probably go through a common process:

  • you will search for/identfy teaching resources that you already have or that are available to you
  • you will decide on and selected what is fit/appropriate for your purpose
  • you will structure/group/organise the resources into a sequence appropriate for your learner and chosen delivery method
  • you will then create/add any specific content that you need
  • you will then packaged it up ready for delivery

This section contains copies of activities that have been selected from the MOSEP Wiki by a Teacher/Trainer to use to teachers who have no experience of working with ePortfolios. The content has been copied from the Wiki and assembled into the order that the activities are to be used or delivered. The materials, in this example, have been selected and assembled to support face to face delivery.

(might be useful for Trainers designing a course [LINK] TO KeyPal Resources )

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Introduction to the MOSEP Wiki
  • [Link] to the presentation slides (PDF)

MOSEP Philosophy

The tutorials take the form of Open Learning materials and activities that can support face to face, blended learning or on-line delivery. Although the tutorials concentrate on the learning and development processes and not on specific tools, some of the activities will require participants to have access to ePortfolio tools. Links to a set of open source ePortfolio tools that you can use will be included.

Target Groups

  • Teachers and Vocational Counselors working with 14-16 year old students.
  • Teacher Trainers, who are responsible for the training of either in-service or student-teachers.
  • The indirect target-group will be 14-16 year old secondary school students, preparing for the next phase of their education or training.

Structure of the Tutorials The MOSEP Tutorials consists of a Foundation Module and four other Modules, each of which cover one aspect of the ePortfolio process. The Modules are sub-divided into a number of Sessions.

The modules follow a logical sequence and although it is recommended that you work through them in the intended order, it is possible to 'pick and mix' modules or sessions depending upon your experince or needs.

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Student Inteviews (15 mins)

Organise a group of students who use ePortfolios to

  • Ask the student to show you their ePortfolio
  • Get them to talk about what they enjoy and what they find difficult about using their ePortfolio
  • Make a list of the students likes and dislikes
  • Ask the student about any social software that they use outside of school

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Student perceptions of ePortfolio (5 mins)
  • Share student perception of ePortfoios
  • Discuss how, when and why students use social software
  • Read [[1]]

Social Software

A growing number of youngsters are using social software to socialise, share information about themselves, what they like, dislike, their favourite music groups, photos or internet site or engage into various activities (chat, games, etc.). Wikipedia definition of social software

Digital Identity

The Wikipedia definition of digital identity

With the increased level of online activities and the trails left on the Internet during these activities (blogs, web pages, comments, transactions, chats, etc.) we see emerging the notion of "digital identity." Understanding the role played by technologies in the construction of one's identity, being able to control and develop one's digital identity will be critical for insuring privacy and fully exploiting one's potential to find a job, for career development, build partnerships, participate in online communities, etc.

A social networking site is an online place where a user can create a profile and build a personal network that connects him or her to other users. In the past five years, such sites have rocketed from a niche activity into a phenomenon that engages tens of millions of internet users. More than half (55%) of all online American youths ages 12-17 use online social networking sites, according to a new national survey of teenagers conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

The survey also finds that older teens, particularly girls, are more likely to use these sites. For girls, social networking sites are primarily places to reinforce pre-existing friendships; for boys, the networks also provide opportunities for flirting and making new friends.

Pew Internet Report Jan 2007

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Digital Idenity (30 mins)

Read this article and Watch the video

  • Newspaper Article - What happened when TV personality Jeremy Clarkson publishing his bank details in a national newspaper Link
  • Watch the Video - [[2]] - BBC Panorama - digital identity

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Protecting Digital Identity (5 mins)
  • Discuss the importance of students being aware of the need to protect their digital identity

Extension Activity

  • Research and design a poster that provides advice for Year 7 students about what they should do, or not do to protect their Digital Identity

Introduction to ePortfolios

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what is an ePortfolio? {5 mins)

  • Demonstration - a Teacher's ePortfolio


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Background to ePortfolios

the ePortfolio story

Read Page 18 ( Supporting self-organising skills and goal orientation with e-portfolios) to Page 21 + link to MOSEP Report [[4]]

Discussion Prompts

  • typical purposes - why collect evidence?
    • to demonstrate competency - to support progression/PDP - value in an interview or presentational situation
    • to support assessment for learning (formative assessment)
    • to support assessment(summative)
    • to record learning and progress
    • to showcase work

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Presentation - What can an ePortfolio do for me? (15 Mins)

Watch this presentation: "What can an ePortfolio do for me?"

(Link to image to accompany the podcast "What can an ePortfolio do for me?")

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Presentation: ePortfolio process and its potential to support learning (15 Mins)

Note: You could either watch the Video Podcast of the presentation, or use the PDF of the presentation and talk to it yourself.

Diagram demonstrating the ePortfolio process

Watch the Video Podcast Link - "Engaging young learners in the ePortfolio process"

Link to PDF to accompany the podcast "Engaging young learners in the ePortfolio process"

ePortfolio Content and Authoring Options [ minutes]

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ePortfolio authoring software [10 minutes]

Group Work

  • consider the possible tools/packages that could be used to create an ePortfolio?

[PPT slide with list of authoring options]

  • what must an ePortfolio package/tool be able to do? - what features must it have? what interface should it have?
  • group feedback

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Online vs Local Hosting [5 minutes]


  • Online
    • available anywhere - able to work at home etc
    • security and safety issues - digital identity
    • able to set access controls for others to see certain sections
    • currently - limits on storage, communcations capacity - problems with multimedia evidence
    • lifelong hosting?

  • Locally Hosted
    • fewer security/safety issues
    • easier to store and work with multimedia evidence
    • unable to work on away from school/college network
    • lifelong hosting?

Getting Started with an ePortfolio - [ minutes]

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Compiling Your ePortfolio

Watch this video presentation: "Compiling Your ePortfolio"

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creating an ePortfolio - Mahara Workshop [ minutes]
  • introduction to Mahara - an example [[5]]

Create an ePortfolio using Mahara. Use thse worksheets to help you. [[6]]

Work through [this tutorial] to:

  • create a Mahara Account
  • set access control to friends only
  • enter personal profile data - take care with digital identity

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adding content to your ePortfolio

Practical Workshop - Mahara


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Blogging - what is it? and writing one


  • What is a blog?
  • contribute to the MOSEP ePortfolio discussion [[7]]

Practical Workshop - Mahara

Engaging Learners in the ePortfolio Process

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How can we motivate young people to use ePortfolios
  • work through this Presentation [Maastricht PPT] - engaging learners in the ePortfolio process

Integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum

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using ePortfolios in my teaching

Working in pairs

  • Take one lesson or course that you teach and consider how you could use ePortfolios in that lesson or course.
  • Write this up in your ePortfolio as a blog post

End of Module Action Plan

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  • Where we go next.
  • Will we continue our ePortfolios. If not, why?
  • Action Plan - into Mahara

Extension Activities

ePortfolios evidencing Competency - [ minutes]

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competencies to teach ePortfolios, what are they? [10 minutes]

  • complete the KeyPal Self Assessment questionnaire: [8]
  • the competencies needed by a Teacher/Tutor to support ePortfolio Learners - KeyPal competencies [9]

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An Action Plan to develop ePortfolio teacher compentencies

Working in pairs

  • Take one (or more) competencies (from the KeyPal Self Assessment) that you think you need further personal development for.
  • Discuss what you would need to do to develop these competencies - and ACTION PLAN!

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Using your ePortfolio to support you in an interview or a review meeting

Link to the podcast "Using your ePortfolio to support you in an interview or a review meeting"

Web Resources

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Web Resources

List of possible resources to be used:

KeyPal Tutor/Teacher Self-Assessment [12]

KeyPal Student User Guide [13]

KeyPal Competency Framework [14]

An Overview of E-Portfolios by George Lorenzo and John Ittelson [15]