Mahara Eportfolios/Evidence

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Gathering evidence

Gathering, organising, selecting and refining evidence is the heart of eportfolio activity. It underpins many aspects of the learning process, including the vital process of reflection. It is critical to assessment and RPL, as well as presenting the student’s achievements to various audiences.

Eportfolios also open up the range of potential evidence that can be collected. Anything that can be stored to linked digitally may be appropriate – documents, files, websites, blogs, forum postings, photos, graphic images, diagrams, audio and video recordings, etc.

Students will benefit from guidance about when, where, how and what type of evidence can be gathered. Evidence gathering tasks can be tied to key activities in the Course Plan, with a requirement to upload specified Artefacts as the output from the activity. Students may also benefit from an Assessment Rubric or Evidence Guide linked to the course standards to provide an overview of the kind of evidence they are expected to gather. These could be part of the Course View.

At this stage, it will also be important to introduce Tagging and use of Folders as keys to efficient management of evidence.

You will probably refer to the following topics in the Mahara User Guide:

Artefacts: My Views, Create a view, Step One – Details, Step Two – Layout block, Step Three – Configure block settings, Step Four – Assign Access to View, Providing a Link to a View.