Mahara Eportfolios/Collaborating

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Collaborating with other learners

The benefits of cooperation learning are well established. The social networking tools in Mahara can support cooperative learning processes in various ways.

Students can set up Groups and Forums related to particular topics to give group members (Friends) a space in which to share and discuss ideas. During a learning process, students can use Views with a restricted audience to enable group members to comment on each other’s ideas or work in progress. When the learning process has concluded, the audience for the View can be extended to enable sharing with the whole class.

You will probably refer to the following topics in the Mahara User Guide:

Groups: My Groups, Create groups, Add members to groups, Find groups, Viewing group details

Friends: Friends, Control how friends are added, Find friends

Forums: Group Forums, Create forum, Create New Topic, Editing topics, Selecting actions for forum topics

Views: My Views, Create a view, Step One – Details, Step Two – Layout block, Step Three – Configure block settings, Step Four – Assign Access to View, Providing a Link to a View.