Life Skills Development/Module One/Unit 4: Self Assessment Self Esteem

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Introduction and Rationale

This unit.....

.....self esteem and self worth are important aspects of personal development. It is important to cultivate a high self-esteem and constantly strive for self-development.

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Upon completion of this unit you will be able to:

  • Analyse perception of self and the factors that contribute to self-image;
  • Identify and assess feelings, emotions and attitudes towards self and how these affect behaviour;
  • Identify and assess the impact of emotions, attitudes and motivations on behaviour;
  • Identify unproductive negative beliefs and replace with ones that work;
  • Distinguish between positive and negatives attitudes and behaviours;
  • Distinguish negative feelings and negative behaviours;
  • Perform a personal SWOT analysis taking Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Cultural, Social, Emotional, Ancestral and Social (SPICEAS) spheres into consideration;
  • Develop a Personal Action Plan;
  • Identify coping skills to deal with risks to mental and emotional well-being.

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What is self-esteem? Self-esteem is how much we value ourselves.We either have high self-esteem or wee have low self-esteem.If we have low self-esteem it is not the end of the world, like everything else we can take charge and learn to appreciate ourselves and improve our self-esteem.

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Let us start by finding out how much we value ourself

Put a circle around the words which best describes you.

Happy Often unhappy
Friendly Does not have friends
Relaxed anxious
Trustworthy Does not trust yourself
Healthy Often sick
confident lacks confidence
willing to try harder gives up easily


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Setting goals for improving our self-esteem.

For each of the suggested ways in which we can improve our self-esteem write out something you can try out. Choose one or two to work on at first the add others.

  • Know ourself-List down our qualities, achievements, things we can do and our weaknesses
  • Respect ourself-What things can we do well? Do not compare yourself with others all the time
  • Love ourself-What do you do or can do to make ourself happy and healthy?
  • Affirm ourself-Tell others about something that is really important to us.

Trust ourself-What can we rely on ourselves for?What good decisions have we taken before?

  • Accept ourself-Think of what you can do well. Think of our weaknesses as areas we can improve on.
  • Show ourself-Let people know you really are? Interact with others.
  • Stretch ourself-Do new things, try new things, challenge yourself
  • Self-discipline-Set rules and deadlines and follow them
  • Nourish ourself-Take care of your mind, your body, feelings, have good friends, good food, exercise,read good books, entertain yourself with good experiences, enjoy yourself, be happy.
  • Be ourself-we are unique, we cannot be replaced and we cannot be somebody else.
  • Share ourself-get to know others, have friends.
  • Go beyond ourself-discover new horizons,it is all out there for us


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