Lesson 4.Performance Appraisal

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Lesson 4:Performance Appraisal


A dictionary definition of the verb appraise, means to fix a price for or to value an object or thing . performance Appraisal therefore could be defined as the systematic process of valuing an employee’s worth and performance of duties with a view to improving it. It is also a process of objectively communicating to a person how he or she is performing the job in order to establish a plan of improvement through training and staff development .performance on its own refers to the degree of accomplishment of the tasks that make up an individual’s job. it is important to note that organizations have different methods of appraising their employees ..some are done at the end of the year while others are not

Appraisal process

  1. Establish performance standards.
  2. Communicate performance expectations to employees.
  3. Measure actual performance
  4. Compare actual performance with standards.
  5. Discuss the appraisal with the employee
  6. If necessary ,initiate corrective action.

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By the end of this unit, you should be able to;
  • Definite an appraisal
  • Explain the important of an appraisal
  • List performance appraisal method
  • Discuss the problems of performance appraisal.

Lesson Content

Performance appraisal is important to employees as well as the organization

Importance to the Employee

  • To help improve current performance of employees
  • To asses or identify development needs of employees
  • To asses future potentials of workers for promotional and advancement.
  • To counsel emplopees on career prospects and opportunities
  • To give employees feed back on their performance i.e. identifying the strength or weakness of an emplopee. Thus decrease the likelihood of being given undesirable and impossible assigement to do.
  • To rate the employee performance for salary review purposes.
  • To evaluate present supply of human resources for replacement and planning purposes.
  • To motivate and reduce employee turn-over.
  • To reduce and eliminate frustration from not kowing where is stant in the organisation.

Importance to the organisation

  • Improve organisational development by exposing efficient,average and inefficient staff and recommending appropriate training programmes or incentives for them.
  • Reduce losses resulting from ineffective performance, gross negligence and withful misconduct.
  • Improve overall productivity following more effective ues of personnel;
  • Provides necessary information/data for manpower planning and personnel decision like promotion,transfers, pay icreases, retrenchment, redundancy.
  • Reduce labour turn-over and motivate the work force.
human resource management team.courtesy.flickr.www.flickr.com

problems of performance appraisal in african

  1. Bias and favouritism of raters based on social,religious,economic,political and other factors.
  2. Dearth or lack of training rates.
  3. Most supervisors see the exercise or process as time consuming.
  4. Halo effect;e.g.being influenced by a particular trait of an employee.
  5. Lack of management commitment to the system.
  6. Lack of objcetive target.
  7. Lack of feedback to appraisee e.g post appraisal interview.
  8. Creates validity problems as some raters object to standardised and ideal rating methods.
  9. Recency and critical incidence problem.
  10. A superior officer and rater could be too lenient or strict with the appraisal of his\her subordinate.

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Improving performance Appraisal(i.e.Remedy)
  • Post appraisal is necessary.This will afford appraises opportunity to get feedback from their superior officers,(Appraisers)on reasons for either good or bad performance.Relevant ideas could be cross-fertilised or exchanged with a view to improving on their job performance.
  • Realistic targets should be set by both supervsors and their sub-ordinates
  • The idea