e-Learning Activity

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Honey and Mumford

Honey and Mumford have built on the work of David Kolb, and their work has become influential and widely used. Source: Honey, P., Mumford, A. The manual of learning styles (1992) Peter Honey Publications Maidenhead ISBN: 0950844470

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Find three different articles on learning styles, and summarise the key points:
  • Think of a recent situation where you been involved in an activity for work that involved new personal learning and application with practice
  • Using the understandings about learning styles, write a short reflective piece that of your learning situation and explore your preferred learning style/s
  • Now think about your colleagues you may have undertaken this development with - reflect on the range of learning styles that may have been present and include in your reflective writing a short statement on the implications of this

  • When completed put this activity into your portfolio