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Joris’s workshops

These workshops are offered as part of the VUSSC-NUS outreach for the Ministry of Education specifically targeting the Curriculum and Materials specialists of the CMAD division and the ICT administrators of the 5 SchoolNet centres

Venue: Computer Lab 2 NUS IHE

1st week

Monday afternoon - Joris meets Werner Kappus @ 18h00

Tuesday morning - presentation on wikis to VUSSC workshop participants

Tuesday afternoon Nov 13th - Joris to visit Schoolnet sites around Apia with Rosemary - needs assessment.

Wed 14th & Fri 16th : Photoshop and GIMP training for Video Unit and printery 9 -12 mornings

Wed - Thurs - Friday afternoon 14- 16thNov - NUS staff Open Office and wiki application (and EXE, oher Open Source Applications) training

2nd week

Mon 19th Nov - ICT division Linux training

Tues & Wed 20th - 21st Nov NUS staff wiki training session 2 time : 9- 12 mornings

Tues- Fri afternoon 20th - 23rd Nov SchoolNet training ICT administrators & Rosies team

3rd week

Mon & Tues 26th - 27th Nov CMAD training wiki and EXE