Introduction to psychology I/2nd Meeting

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During our first meeting (September 28, 2015) we elected to map the course onto KPU's PSYC 1100 course, which is the first half of first-year psychology. We identified 9 topic areas and their sequence. These include:

  1. Introduction/History of Psychology
  2. Research Methods
  3. Biological Basis of Behaviour
  4. Learning
  5. Memory
  6. Thinking & Intelligence
  7. Nature, Nurture, & Evolution
  8. Sensation & Perception
  9. States of consciousness

In addition, we tentatively agreed upon designing a summative assessment following each set of 3 topics.

During our second meeting (October 26, 2015) we reviewed all of the available modules provided by NOBA for the above topics and elected to utilize the following readings (and associated resources):

Introduction/History of Psychology

  • Why Science? (TB) (IM)
  • History of Psychology?

Research Methods

  • Research Designs (TB) (IM)
  • Statistical Thinking

Biological Basis of Behaviour

  • The Brain & Nervous System (TB) (IM)
  • Neurons
  • *Hormones & Behaviour


  • Conditioning and Learning (TB) (IM)
  • Factors Influencing Learning


  • Memory (Encoding, Storage, Retrieval) (TB) (IM)
  • Forgetting and Amnesia
  • Eyewitness Testimony and Memory Biases (TB) (IM)

Thinking & Intelligence

  • Intelligence (TB) (IM)
  • Judgement and Decision Making (TB) (IM)
  • Attention

Nature, Nurture, & Evolution

  • The Nature-Nurture Question (TB) (IM)
  • Evolutionary Theories in Psychology (TB) (IM)

Sensation & Perception

  • Vision (TB) (IM)
  • Touch and Pain
  • *Taste and Smell

States of Consciousness

  • *The Unconscious (TB) (IM)

Note: Modules with an asterisk to be reviewed by Farhad. (TB) denotes the availability of a test bank for that module. (IM) denotes the availability of an instructor's activity manual for that module.

Action items:

  1. Create a customized textbook from NOBA with the modules listed above (RJ) Done
  2. Review the modules listed above with an asterisk (FD)
  3. Provide Wayne with an update (RJ) Done
  4. Once we complete the first three action items, conduct a gap analysis re: content covered by the NOBA modules. These gaps may be filled by the open textbooks for Introductory Psychology available from the BC Open Textbook Project and/or OpenStax College. (RJ & FD)

Our third meeting is scheduled for Friday October 30, 2015 (PST).