India/Knowledge Base/Maths/Numbers and Operations

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Grade 1

Lesson Plans

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Here are some standards, objectives etc for use as reference. You can click on any of the objctives to create a lesson plan out of it.
Std 1.1 1.1 Students understand how to name, represent and use numbers to 100. Using concrete objects, they appreciate the sizes of these numbers and build their mental images.

  1. SWBAT write the symbols for numbers up to 10 (EI K.2)
  2. SWBAT represent a given number through objects (EI K.2)
  3. SWBAT identify 'how many' up to 10 (EI K.2)
  4. SWBAT identify numbers bigger and smaller than a given number
  5. SWBAT identify the largest and smallest number in a set (up to 100)
  6. SWBAT identify quantities up to 100 based on given representation

Std 1.2 They count and group objects in ones and tens and understand that a 2-digit number has a tens value and a ones value and build an understanding of the concept of place value (in base ten number system) i.e. the place of a digit gives its value. They are able to represent numbers on an abacus i.e. decompose and compose numbers using place-value. They use place value to order numbers to 100 in ascending and descending order (excluding symbols).

  1. SWBAT decompose/compose a number between 10 and 100 with tens and units

Grade 2

Lesson Plans

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  1. SWBAT identify the size of different place values
  2. SWBAT compose a given 2-3 digit number by identifying the value of the hundreds tens and units place


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Here are some standards, objectives etc for use as reference. You can click on any of the objctives to create a lesson plan out of it.
Std 2.1 Students understand and learn how to name and represent numbers to 1000 and note the pattern in their representation. They appreciate relative sizes of the numbers by regarding 10 as a unit or hundred as a unit (in concrete manipulation or mental images).

  1. SWBAT read and write numbers up to 100*
  2. SWBAT identify numbers n greater/less than a given number (n=1,2, 10, 100, etc.)

Std 2.2 They compose and decompose (expand) numbers using place value. They recognize representations using ones blocks, tens blocks, hundreds blocks and write numbers for these representations.

  1. SWBAT identify place values of numbers up to 100
  2. SWBAT write numbers, up to 100, in expanded form
  3. SWBAT identify 2 digit numbers by the numbers of tens and the number of units.
  4. SWBAT identify and represent a number using block/visual representation.
  5. SWBAT convert between tens, and units

Std 2.3 They compare and order the numbers on a partial number line and understand their relative position. They order them in ascending and descending order using symbols >, <, = .

  1. SWBAT compare numbers, up to 100, and identify largest and smallest numbers
  2. SWBAT place numbers, up to 100, in ascending and descending order
  3. SWBAT create largest/smallest numbers from given digits

Std 2.4 They count backward and forward starting from any number to 1000. They know ordinal numbers to 20 and use them in different contexts.

  1. SWBAT identify ordinal numbers up to 20

Std 2.13 They know and recognize odd and even numbers.

  1. SWBAT identify even and odd numbers

Std 2.15 Estimation - estimate number of objects in a set of upto 50 objects, count and compare the estimate with the actual number - check reasonableness of addition/subtraction answers

  1. SWBAT round numbers to the nearest 10.

Grade 3

Lesson Plans

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Here are some standards, objectives etc for use as reference. You can click on any of the objctives to create a lesson plan out of it.
Std 3.1 Students extend naming and representation of numbers to 10000. They understand the cyclical pattern in which the digits change as the numbers increase and realize that counting can go on endlessly in this fashion. They deepen their understanding of whole numbers, their representation and their relative sizes.

  1. SWBAT read or write numbers up to to 1,000
  2. SWBAT place numbers in ascending and descending order
  3. SWBAT identify the number 10 or 100 greater or less than a given number

Std 3.2 They understand the place-value structure of the base-ten number system and are able to efficiently decompose (expand) and compose numbers using place value. They recognize equivalent expanded representations for the same number and compare and order the numbers.

  1. SWBAT identify place value of a digit in a number up to 3 digits
  2. SWBAT write numbers, up to 1,000, in expanded form
  3. SWBAT compare numbers using greater and lesser than signs ( > < )
  4. SWBAT identify the largest and smallest number of a set
  5. SWBAT create the largest or smaller number from given digits

Std 3.3 They recognize representations using ones blocks, tens blocks, hundreds blocks and thousands blocks and write numbers for the same correctly.

  1. SWBAT identify and represent a number using block or visual representation.

Std 3.25 Estimation - estimate number of objects in a set of upto 100 objects, count and compare the estimate with the actual number - use properties of operations and their mutual relation to check reasonableness of results

  1. SWBAT round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100

Grade 4

Lesson Plans

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Here are some standards, objectives etc for use as reference. You can click on any of the objctives to create a lesson plan out of it.
Std 4.1 Students deepen their understanding of whole numbers by knowing number representation to 100000 and may be, beyond. They summarize the decimal numeration system and understand the relative sizes of the numbers.

  1. SWBAT read/write numbers up to to 100,000
  2. SWBAT create largest/smallest numbers using a given set of digits
  3. SWBAT identify numbers n greater/less than another number (where n=10,100,1000).

Std 4.2 They decompose and compose numbers using place value and are able to efficiently compare and order.

  1. SWBAT identify place value of numbers. SWBAT decompose numbers into expanded form SWBAT compare numbers using greater than/less than signs up to 100,000
  2. SWBAT place numbers in ascending/descending order

Std 4.18 Estimation - estimate number of objects in a set of upto 500 objects and count and compare the estimate with the actual number - understand meaning and purpose of round numbers i.e. why rounded solutions may be appropriate and when they are called for - know how to round 2-digit number to the nearest 10, 3-digit number to the nearest 100 and 4-digit number to the nearest 1000

  1. SWBAT round numbers to the nearest 10/100/1000/10000
  2. SWBAT estimate multiplication products by rounding
  3. SWBAT estimate lengths using a scale

Grade 5

Lesson Plans

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Here are some standards, objectives etc for use as reference. You can click on any of the objctives to create a lesson plan out of it.
Std 5.1 Students know number representation of very large numbers as crores and beyond in the Indian system. They also know the International system of naming numbers. They understand the relative sizes of the numbers. They decompose and compose numbers using place value and are able to efficiently compare and order.

  1. SWBAT identify the place value of digits in decimal numbers.
  2. SWBAT read numbers and identify place values of numbers up to tens of crores (using Indian system and international system)
  3. SWBAT write numbers in expanded form
  4. SWBAT compare numbers using greater than/less than signs up to any number of digits
  5. SWBAT write the biggest and smallest number from a given set of digits
  6. SWBAT round numbers to a given place value
  7. SWBAT identify numbers n greater/less than another number (where n=10, 100, 1000, etc.)

Std 5.9 They understand the meaning and effect of movement of decimal when number is multiplied or divided by 10, 100, 1000. They understand the meaning and effect of multiplication and division of decimals by a whole number, by a decimal alone and by a number with both whole and decimal components. They know how to manipulate the decimal point while multiplying and dividing a decimal number by a whole number, a decimal, and a number with both components.

  1. SWBAT multiply/divide a decimal by 10/100/1000.

Extra Topics Profit/Loss, Reciprocals, prime/composite numbers

  1. SWBAT determine profit/loss from selling price and cost price (IGCSE 5th)
  2. SWBAT identify prime and composite numbers (EI 4.10)