Improving Vaccination Rates for Healthcare Personnel/Teaching Plan Components

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Key points
Educational Plan Components and Navigation


  1. Identify the population.
  2. Describe the scope of the problem.
  • Location: Education Module Page

Review of the Literature

  1. Relevant background for educational problem.
  2. Overview of attempts to address the issue.
  • Location: Education Module Page

The Educational Plan

  • Overview of the population characteristics
  1. Who are the learners?
  2. Relevant values/beliefs
  3. What is the need for instruction?
  4. Risk factors
  5. Literacy of the population
  • Location: Needs Assessment Page

Teaching Strategies/Methods

  • Creation of a course via WikiEducator which utilizes online modules to impart information re: influenza vaccination, the need to increase rates of vaccination of healthcare personnel and strategies to improve vaccination campaigns. Tenets of the Health Belief Model and Social Learning Theory will guide the course.
  • Additional information located: Teaching Learning Methodology Page

The Program: Herd Power: Protection Against Influenza


  • Project Aim:
  1. Conduct an online WiKiEducator course via brief module format. Initially it will address the needs of those interested in improving influenza immunization rates for healthcare personnel in local facilities. In the future, it can possibly be offered for CEUs for nursing personnel. The course will utilize the tenets from Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory and the Health Belief Model.
  • Rationale:
  1. To optimize the learning experience: increased retention via interactive education, three learning styles utilized, self paced and meaningful/applicable information imparted. Well known theory models with proven success in behavior change guides the process--perceived risks/benefits/values and role modeling/vicarious reinforcement of behaviors.
  • Learning Objectives/Instructional Goals: *Location: Objectives Main Page
  • Learning Module: *Learning Modules Page
  • Student Learning Outcomes: *Location: Student Learning Outcomes Page
  • Resources: *Location: Resources Main Page
  • Evaluation Process: *Location: Evaluation Page
  1. Specifics
  2. Evaluation: Module/Program Effectiveness Measures
  • References: *Location: Reference Page

Summary and Conclusion

  • The education plan fits with the approaches described in the review of literature (ROL) by including brief, education modules incorporating CEU credit, technology, teaching/learning theory and evidence from research. Knowing the audience as identified in the ROL, allows the development of pertinent education strategies to address their specific needs.
  • The strength of the plan is the use of the WikiEducator format which includes the ability to include additional web sites and media for the learner. The weakness may be in the difficulty in navigation; additional categories are in the plan to answer questions posed by the instructor and to identify their location which may be confusing to the learner. As this is a first attempt, many limitations will be identified by the cohort and the instructor which will serve to greatly improve the plan. This format is great for CEU delivery regardless of the subject matter; annual competency training and new employee training could also be enhanced in using the WikiEducator.
  • This is a reasonable first attempt to incorporate technology and gear educational strategies towards addressing a problem that affects public health. Material is accurate as of the dated of completion. Communication appears clear; evaluation will yield welcomed feedback regarding this and other areas.
  • Improvement of Herd Power will include several things: to see if this is a program that would be worthy of a CEU credit and if so, try to get this accomplished. Other improvements include to incorporate the use of a case study format with competency questions, improved technology to allow for instant feedback to each question with rationale included and the evaluation section to directly link to a survey monkey format to allow the author rapid feed back. Also, discuss with the public health department to see if this course is pertinent and continually incorporate the latest research/suggestions from the evaluations into the plan.