From blog to lms - an UGC attempt (UCP)

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Name of your institution: Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP); Portuguese Catholic University

Type of your institution:  Traditional HEI with some experiences of elearning courses in masters degrees (Educational Sciences, Theology, Philosophy, …).


The pilot experience was designed and produced during a post-graduation program (Educational Sciences)
The curricular subject where the UGC was produced was "Strategic Management of ICT in Schools"
All the course has an user generated content approach. However, for the pilot project, only the topic Internet Safety was chosen
The students (14) work in small groups of 4 to 6 people, and at the end of topic, they present the conclusions to the class.


– The tools supporting the UGC acts as enablers of the learning process and as containers for dissemination purposes. Using LMS, blog and wiki or lms, the activity allows students to obtain better skills in using ICT tools.
– As a learning process support tool, students design and build a collaborative project in a wiki about “Safety in Internet”.
– As a dissemination tool, the project (built in the wiki or group support software) is shared with classmates in order to discuss about the content and processes developed.


• Pedagogical approach

The curricular unit will work under a b-Learning strategy and will be guided by a constructivist design of collaborative learning.
This scheme involves the systematic use of existing asynchronous communication tools in the learning management platform available.
The students Works in small groups of 4 to 6 people, and at the end of module, they present the conclusions to class

• Activities

The construction of the User Generated Content is based on the following stages (or activities):

  • Stage one – collecting data (Risk and Safety in Internet module)

The students, in small groups, are invited to collect, post and comment information in their blog, inside Blackboard (Annex 1)

At the end of this first phase the groups should make a summary of all post and comments done in their own group.
At the same time they should present to all class the results of their collecting activity in general, using a presentation software.

  • Stage two – building a course (Learning Management System module)

In this stage all the groups should design and produce an elearning course using all the material collected by all groups.
They can use pieces from different blogs and they should organize the course inside a web 2.0 tool. In our case the students should use a wiki tool.

  • Stage three – presentation and evaluation of different courses

In a face to face session each group present its course, which will be debated, commented and evaluated by all the other members of the class.

The “final” evaluation has three components:

  1. Self evaluation
  2. Peer evaluation
  3. Teachers evaluation

During all the stages the tutor(teacher) plays an important role in learning construction, motivating, correcting, giving hints to the students in order to obtain a better final product (and learning achievement).


How it will be assessed?

User-Generated Content experience

Short description of the experience


Which is UGC activity/ies objective?


What kind of learners and number will be involved?


How it is developed? Includes technological tools

How did you address quality-related issues?

Describe just main issues

Link to CONCEDE Quality Framework