What is e-assessment?

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e-Assessment is the end-to-end electronic assessment processes where ICT is used for the presentation of assessment activity, and the recording of responses. This includes the end-to-end assessment process from the perspective of learners, tutors, learning establishments, awarding bodies and regulators, and the general public (JISC, 2007).

A more recent definition is: "E-assessment is the use of digital devices to assist in the assessment of student learning" (Crisp, 2010).

Geoffrey Crisp (2011) has produced the Teachers handbook on E-Assessment which provides a succinct introduction to e-assessment. He has also included information about how e-assessment could be useful. e-assessment can be used to test both basic and advanced knowledge and skills, and has several advantages.

Please take a look at this list here, compare to Crisp's suggestions, and then peruse the The electronic management of assessment (EMA) (e-assessment) Guide (Jisc, 2016) to find out more about benefits for staff as well as students. EMA occurs, according to this guide, where "technology is used to support the Assessment Life Cycle (remember that from a previous topic?), and assignments are submitted electronically for marking and feedback".

  • the ability for students to self-assess and assess their peers more readily (regardless of location);
  • facilitating identification of weaknesses and finding help to address them;
  • assessment of students by teachers in different locations at different times (flexibly);
  • student results and reports on student activity (e.g., number of attempts made to pass a quiz) can be recorded and archived in a Learning Management System (e.g., Moodle);
  • rapid feedback can be given to students;
  • automated feedback is possible; and
  • alternative forms of assessment are possible using different media (e.g., e-portfolios, creating videos and presentations, writing a blog, designing a website, and many more).

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Consider a novel use of e-assessment, after reading Teachers handbook on E-Assessment
  • How could you use e-assessment in your courses?
  • Why do you think e-assessment could help students and teachers in your area?


Extra resources

Using e-Assessment to Enhance Student Learning and Evidence Learning Outcomes - a collection of research articles about e-assessment.


Support for the original work was provided by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council Ltd,

an initiative of the Australian Government.