Foundation Skills/Ways of assessing student learning and providing meaningful feedback/Assessing academic evidence

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Assessing academic evidence

There are two kinds of evidence that one can collect in order to evaluate a student's academic performance (according to Georgetown University):

  • Direct evidence - most commonly, students are 'tested' or 'observed' to see whether they have achieved the learning outcomes. An example of direct evidence could be an observation of a student's participation on a group work project.
  • Indirect evidence - these methods imply that learning has occurred, e.g. a course evaluation.

The New Zealand Ministry of Education Te Kete Ipurangi (TKI) website also reminds us that any evidence of student learning could be:

  • Qualitative - e.g. student interviews, self-appraisals.
  • Quantitative - e.g. class tests, participation rates.

In the next unit, you will learn more about assessment design as a form of collecting direct, quantitative evidence of student learning.