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Learning theories are used to explain what happens when learning takes place. Learning theories can provide a conceptual framework for understanding a variety of learning situations, and also guide solutions to teaching and learning design. Learning theories in this subject are grouped into four traditional categories: behaviourist, cognitivist, humanist, and social and situational (includes constructivism). Adult learning theories based on these categories are covered more fully in the Learner-Centred Learning course.

In the Flexible learning subject, you need to choose a theory which underpins the flexible learning strategies you are planning to introduce. Before looking further afield, you may wish to refresh by looking at previous work you have done in this area.

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Adult learning theories for Flexible Learning.
  • Explore adult learning theories relevant to your context.
  • Choose a learning theory for your Flexible learning Plan.
  • Describe the learning theory on your blog. Include the following:
    • Define the theory.
    • Explain the reasons for choosing the theory to support your FL plan - including the features of the theory which suit your students and style of teaching.