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Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg

Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is free and open software?

See Wikipedia article

Why is it different from propietary software?

  • doesn't cost money to buy it
  • less of a footprint (i.e, you don't need expensive pc's to run it, less RAM, processor power)
  • global community of users / support
  • values-based
  • independent of fiscally biased assistance or opinion

What is the cost-savings?

  • no upfront purchase price
  • reduced maintenance cost
  • ease of use allows for users to become involved with the solutions therefore adding extra value from participation

How is it measured?

  • Take cost-savings per school and multiply it times # of schools in a district over annual basis

-License fee paid for proprietary software that is then sent to corporation headquarters

-Power consumption from using terminal servers requiring less electricity for each terminal

-Landfill, recycling and ewaste is reduced by extending the life of fully supported computers

-Donated hardware to schools from institutions or corporations that can then be refurbished with Free software

Unmeasurable from a monetary value

  • freedom for users
  • independence for schools to make informed decisions
  • openness allows for greater community involvement in educational outcomes and direction