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Urban Environment of city region varies in its charactertics in developed & under developed parts of the world.                                                                                                                 

It consists of agricultural fields, animals, small houses or huts etc. The rural areas in less developed countries are having small size of farmlands with high density of population compared to developed areas.

There are some areas where less influence of human actions is found, so comparatively they are called as Virgin Environmental regions.

It consists of mineral fields, mineral processing units, infrastructure facilities etc in the mining region. The simple mining activity had started as early as 20,000 years ago during the time of copper age. When man first started using copper for making his tools with the progress of his technology he discovered many varieties of minerals.

It consists of factories, large scale & small scale industries, machines etc. The industrial environment found in the developed and less developed countries of the world are quite different as it depends on the type of industries developed in the region.

6. FOREST ENVIRONMENT:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
It is form of thick forest areas with unique climatic condition. The different type of forests includes:
a) Temperate forest.
b) Mediterranean forest.
c) Tropical forest.
d) Monsoon forest.
e) Equatorial forest.
f) Mangrove or Tidal forest.
g) Thorny & many other mixed varieties of forests.

The components of the environment are:

Abiotic components
Biotic components
It has three parts:
a) Atmosphere b) Hydrosphere c) Lithosphere
THE ATMOSPHERE: The gaseous substances encircling the earth constitute atmosphere. The various gases and solid particles in the atmosphere are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon –dioxide, helium, dust particles etc. Atmosphere is also an important component of environment.
THE HYDROSPHERE: consists of surfaced groups, oceanic water .it is considered as one the basic components of Environment, as life is impossible without water.
Let us in the following project of Environmental Issue; unfold the reasons, the amount of awareness, carefulness related to our environment.
THE LITOSPHERE: It refers to portion which occupy 30% of the total earth’s surface .it includes the physical element such as minerals, rocks, soils, and various relative features inside outside the Earth.
It has three parts:
a) plants b)Animals c) Micro organisms
PLANTS also known as Primary Producers .It is because of Photosynthesis, process they produce food from simple inorganic matters by converting light energy into chemical energy.
ANIMALS are considered as heterotrophic components of the environment. They fall under three categories i) primary consumers ii) secondary consumers iii) tertiary consumers. They directly or indirectly depend on green plants.
MICRO ORGANISMS a large number of bacteria and fungi, which break down complex compounds of dead plants and animals, are included into this category of micro organisms. Hence they are known as decomposers.
Air, light, water, soil, rocks etc are the examples of abiotic components of the environment, micro organism, plants and animals together constitute the biotic factors. Living organism use the abiotic factors around them for food and shelter .They are depended on these for their growth, survival and reproduction.
Interaction between abiotic and biotic factors forms an ecological system or an ecosystem. The biotic factors affect the quality of abiotic factors in ecosystem which in turn affects the lives of other biotic factors within that ecosystem.