Crop Production

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Introduction Climate change refers to seasonal changes over a long period of time. These climate patterns play a fundamental role in shaping natural ecosystems human economies and cultures that depend on them. Because so many systems are tied to climate, a change in climate can affect many related aspects of where and how people, plants and animals live, such as food production, availability and use of water, and health risks. For example, a change in the usual timing of rains or temperatures can affect when plants bloom and set fruit, when insects hatch or when streams are at their fullest. This can affect historically synchronized pollination of crops, food for migrating birds, spawning of fish, water supplies for drinking and irrigation, forest health, and more. In order to cope with the effects of climate change, rural dwellers have developed different adaptation strategies which vary from one location to the other. Most of the strategies were adopted consciously or unconsciously, therefore, there is need to assess and develop operational adaptation strategies for farmers.

Methodology This study will cover twenty villages and five towns in each of the three selected countries viz: Nigeria, Ghana and The Gambia. Structured questionnaires (20) will be administered in each of the selected villages and towns. The data obtained shall be analyzed using SPSS13.0.