Create and manage files/Document formatting/Assessment

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We strongly recommend you work through the Practice Exercises before you attempt the portfolio assessment below.

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Portfolio Activity

Please note: You must complete file management “housekeeping” procedures as you progress through this assessment. This will consist of creating files with appropriate filenames, as well as deleting files you no longer need to free up valuable disk storage space.

Part 1

Compose an invitation inviting people to participate in the following seminar:

Invitation Description

A demonstration of Building Health for a Better Tomorrow run by Linda Pearson on Saturday 4th December 2004 in the Scott Room of the Highland Hotel in Dunedin. Cost is $50.00 and includes morning tea and lunch. They must respond by 24 November by phoning Paula on 03 455 9978. Runs from 9.00am – 4.30pm.

Please Note: you must arrange the invitation in a logical order using appropriate vocabulary and ensure that the facts will be clearly understood by the invitee.

Part 2

Create a notice (to be sent out with the invitation created in Part 1) which includes the following information about what the seminar will cover:

Building Health for a Better Tomorrow.

Scott Rooms, Highland Hotel, Dunedin
Please bring a pen and notepaper.
Join us for an all-day Lifestyle Improvement Program.
Lunch and morning tea provided
Lunch break is 12.30 – 1.30 pm.
Linda presents a healthy lifestyle as a healing method for the mental and physical aspects of your life. Sample a tempting array of guilt-free, mouth watering main dishes, gourmet raw foods, unrefined Vegan butter and cheeses plus irresistible desserts!!
A demonstration run by Linda Pearson on Saturday 4th December 2004
Invest in Protecting Your Future.
Heart Disease,
You can reduce the risk of these killer diseases with simple life-style changes through the 6 natural laws of health. Proper Diet, Exercise, Fresh Air, Sunshine, Water, Rest You will be treated to three delicious Vegan meals. Samples of our Vegan cuisine include recipes for breakfast, lunch and dessert. All of our recipes are free of refined fat and sugar and include teen-tested recipes even your kids will love.
All course material and workbooks have been written by Linda and used extensively in the USA and Europe where she also runs seminars on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Demonstration starts at 9.00 am and finishes at 4.30 pm.

Please Note: You must ensure that the information is presented in a logical order, is visually appealing and that all the facts will make sense to the attendees. You must:

  • Display the information on one sheet of A4 paper.
  • Include at least two of the following features:
    • Some left-aligned text
    • Some right-aligned text must be .
    • Some centered text
  • Include a border around the notice. The border must not include the header or footer.
  • Vertically centre the text on the page.
  • Spell-check the document.
  • Insert a header with your name and a footer to include the filename
  • Save the document with a filename that reflects the content and purpose of the file.

Part 3

Create a new document including the following text:

Nature’s Best

Nature’s healthiest foods are enjoyable, easy, quick and affordable.

We believe that true good health is more than just the absence of disease; it is a state where you enjoy all the energy, vitality and benefits that life has to offer.

One of the keys to achieving good health is to use the power of healthy foods to positively affect how you feel, how much energy you have, and the length and quality of your life.

Three essential nutrients you should add to your daily diet are: Omega 3 fatty acids: Reduces inflammation throughout your body Keeps your blood from clotting excessively

Beta-carotene: Protects your cells from the damaging effects of free radicals Enhances the functioning of your immune system

Vitamin E: Protects your skin from ultraviolet light Prevents cell damage from free radicals

There is clear and definitive scientific evidence that proper nutrition plays an important and significant role in reducing the risk of degenerative diseases, and in providing long-term health and longevity.

Nature’s Best can supply all of your everyday dietary requirements.

For more information please contact us at:
Nature’s Best
444 South Road
Phone: 03 455 8978
Fax: 03 455 8979

Our products also include:
A full range of dietary supplements
Recipes to help you prepare healthy meals
A range of books on the topic of healthy living

Part 4

Edit the document you created in Part 3 of this task as indicated in the screenshot (click to enlarge).

The document is to be used as a poster so it should be visually appealing.

You may add other features such as changing font size and style but you must follow all of the editing instructions given.

Use the task list below to help you make the amendments to the formatting of the document:

  • Change the line spacing as indicated.
  • Change the alignment as indicated.
  • Search for all instances of the words Best and replace with Finest.
  • Search for all instances of the word dietary and replace with nutritional.
  • Save the file with a different filename which still reflects the content.
  • Insert a header which includes your name.
  • Insert a footer which includes the filename and today’s date.
  • Place a border around text on page – excluding the header and footer.
  • Print one copy of the document.

What to submit

You will submit printouts of all four documents:

  • The invitation (Part 1)
  • The notice (Part 2)
  • The Nature's Best document (Part 3)
  • The Nature's Finest poster (Part 4)

Note: printouts may be hardcopy (on paper) or as PDF files.