Conflict resolution

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The materials the teacher will use iclude:
  • Flip Chart
  • mark pen
  • LCD Projector and Laptop

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By the end of this session the participants should be able to:
  • Explain the meaning of the terms
    • conflict
    • conflict resolution
    • Non-violentconflict resolution
  • Identify various types of conflict
  • Explore situation that may lead to conflict
  • Identify barriers to conflict resolution
  • Analyse effects of unresolved conflicts
  • Explore ways of avoiding conflicts
  • Explain methods of conflict resolution



Content in tabular format

1 Objectives Identify objectives The facilitator reads through the objectives 5 mins
2 Meaning of conflict. Participants Brainstorm facilitator harmonises the meaning of the terms on a flip chart or projector 5 mins
3 Types of Conflicts Participants to name types of conflicts Facilitator harmonies using the flip chart/projector 5 min
4 Situations that lead to conflict Participants brainstorm on the situation that lead to conflict Facilitator harmonizes the findings 10 min
5 Barriers to conflict resolution Participants state the barriers to conflict resolutions Facilitator leads the participants to state the

Barriers to conflict resolutions

5 min
6 Over coming barriers Participants identify ways of overcoming barriers to conflict resolution Using the flip chart/LCD projector, the facilitator takes the participants through the ways of overcoming barriers to conflict resolution 5 min
7 Effects of unresolved conflicts Participants to brainstorm on effects of unresolved conflicts The facilitator harmonises using a flip chart 10 min
8 Methods of conflict resolution Participants to brainstorm on the methods used in conflict resolution The facilitator to harmonise using flip chart or projector 10 min
9 Summary Partcipants respond to key points Facilitator summarizes the session 5 min


Facilitators Notes

Conflicts are serious disagreements among individuals or groups which may results in verbal or physical confrontation. They may also be internal when an individual has two opposing feelings or views about an issue or situation. This threatens peaceful co-existence or relationships among people. The existence of conflict between individuals or self may result to; rape, broken families, drugs and substance abuse, unwanted pregnancies, wars, ethnic clashes and riots in institutions among others. Conflict resolution is the ability to handle disagreements calmly and peacefully. Conflicts have serious and far reaching effects among young people. It is therefore necessary to understand the causes of conflicts and the consequences of using poor or inadequate conflict resolution skills. The teacher should inculcate among the learners the values and skills of resolving conflicts peacefully.

Types of conflict

  • Intrapersonal
  • Interpersonal
  • Community
  • International/national

Situations that may lead to conflict

  • physical and emotional abuse
  • effects of drug and substance abuse
  • violation of human right
  • discrimination based on gender, race, education, tribe etc
  • inequality in distribution of resources
  • different political indication
  • negative ethnicity
  • strained resource
  • communication breakdown
  • social cultural prejudices/biases

Barriers to conflict resolution

  • prejudice
  • low self esteem
  • envy
  • pride
  • dishonesty
  • suspicion
  • ignorance
  • peer pressure
  • luck of communication
  • stereotyping

=Effects of conflicts

Effects of unresolved conflicts are:

  • strained relationships
  • physical confrontation
  • disruption of social order
  • physical injuries and psychological trauma
  • displacement of people
  • destruction of property
  • loss of life
  • social political instability
  • fear and insecurity
  • reduced involvement in economic activities

Methods of conflict resolution

Conflict resolution refers to the process of bringing misunderstanding or hostilities to an end. The best way to resolve a conflict is to approach it in a non-violent way: Some of the conflict resolution methods are:

Adjudication Arbitration This proceess involves almost the same process as outlined under mediation However, the arbitrator makes the final discussion for both partieis he/she acts like a judge in finding out who is in the wrong for example when and pupils are quarreling a teacher or head teacher may settle their quarrel.

Negotiation: This is a process that involves people involved in a conflict meeting and talking to each other about the conflict. Through a process of give and take where they try and reach an agreement on the problem. Apart from resolving conflicts negotiation skills can be used to present spread of STI’s including HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancies abortions. Abstinence etc. Mediation: This is a process in which two or more people or parties in a conflicts involve a third person that is someone who is not part of the conflict to help them reach an acceptable agreement. The third person:

  • Brings the people/parties in a face to face discussion of the issues
  • Allows each party to tell should focus on how the conflict started and developed. The mediator may allow them to ask each other questions for the purposes of clarification
  • Discusses with then the facts and issues involved in the conflict and helps then to see what want wrong
  • Discuss the with the possible solution to the problem
  • Involves both parties to arrive at a final solution to the conflict and to reconcile.

Importance of resolving conflict peacefully

  • Promotes peace and unity in homes, schools, communities and the country
  • Promotes co-operation and development
  • Creates good relationships among people
  • Promotes human dignity
  • Prevents violence thereby protecting life and property}}

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Activities the teachers should practice in order to gain knowledge and skills in conflict resolution include:

  • Role play comon school learners conflict resolutions
  • Discuss case studies
  • Identify various scenes of conflicts and how to resolve them.

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In summary Conflict resolution is a means of settling differences between individuals. It is important that peaceful mothods of resolving conflict are followed to enable individuals to co-exist peacefully in the soceity


L. Wanjama, P. Muraya, S. Gichaga (2006) Life skills JKF Nairobi Kenya Jomo Kenyatta Foundation