Competition and Research/Challenge 2

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Hair Competition Challenge 2

This competition is a fantastic opportunity to develop your creativity while collecting information and pictures to use in your portfolio.

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Prior knowledge of blow-drying/styling and braiding capabilities have been determined prior to your participation.
You have experienced some practical and theory learning activities / session, in preparation for your photo-shoot.
You are currently practicing in class. You will need to collect ideas for inspiration for your assignment layout and makeup designs. This information will be collated and placed on your page in this wiki.

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At the end of of this session you should/will be able to:
  • Select and apply makeup using the makeup resources as a guide.
  • Apply your creativity using techniques you have acquired from blow drying, thermal styling, using hot curlers, hot tongs, straighteners, hair styling and braiding.
  • Have an understanding of researching hair styles: Catwalk, Glamour and Cultural/ Tribal.




Three Categories

There are three categories for designing your look. For this activity you will need to access the internet, for your learning activity, to research the following:

  1. Catwalk: Models demonstrate clothing and accessories during a fashion show. Usually more detailed hairstyles and high fashion / haute couture.
  2. Glamour: Is an appearance of enhanced attractiveness.
  3. Cultural /Tribal: Fashion design is the applied art dedicated to clothing and lifestyle accessories created within the cultural and social influences of a specific time.


  • You will need to research each category. You will need to include in your research a picture for each category.
  • Label each photographic look. Whether it is Catwalk, Glamour or Cultural/Tribal.
  • In your own words - write a description for each of the categories
  • Label the make-up used and how you think the look was created.
  • List all the products used for the hairstyle and make-up.
  • Use your artistic expression and creativity.

All this information needs to be stored onto your computer and then uploaded into Picturetrail, paste the code for your Picturetrail into your page of this wiki, in your Gallery Portfolio.


For the competition you will be asked to:

  • Create ONE of the researched looks.
  • You will use a live model.
  • All completed work will be judged by an independent judge.

There will be 3 prizes in total.  The look which best represents the category will be the winner.

You can bring in hairpieces or hair decorations from home to use or if you would like to use a scarf there are some available.

Complete the following activities:

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Organise yourselves into three groups.
You will work using large cardboard sheets and magazines.

Each group will research:

  1. Catwalk: Models demonstrate clothing and accessories during a fashion show. Usually more detailed hairstyles and high fashion / haute couture.
  2. Glamour: Is an appearance of enhanced attractiveness.
  3. Cultural/Tribal: Fashion design, is the applied art dedicated to clothing and lifestyle accessories created within the cultural and social influences of a specific time.

Learners to collect magazines, cutting out the pictures which represent each category.

Use articles showing the looks/makeup/hair/clothes.

This is a group project, the pictures will be collated and displayed under there headings as inspiration for you to focus on to develop your creativity.

This exercise shows your comprehension of the activity highlighting the differences between each look.

After checking your understanding, the information is reinforced with some looks from the Paris Vogue and Karen magazine. Your teachers will display clear examples of each look.

  • What is Catwalk, how does it look?
  • What is Glamour, how does it look?
  • What is Cultural / Tribal, how does it look?

Your teachers will explain and expand on the information shown in their display for each look.

At the end of this activity you will have three fabulous examples of photographic looks, interpreted by you. Hang these up around the room.

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Using information and experince you have, I want you to choose one of the designs from your reseach activity list following the design principals relevant to your category or interest:

  • Keep in mind the categories/guide lines for your design whether it is relevant?
  • What procedures will you follow?
  • For example will you start with make-up first or will you start with the hair style?
  • How will you start?
  • What products will you use?
  • How will you dress your model?
  • Will you use accessories?
  • Will it be in colour or black and white or a theme?
  • Will it be a textured fabric / layered?

In pairs or a small group discuss these questions - Type these questions into your Student Central wiki page and answer these questions listing your responses. Show your teacher your wiki page once it is complete.

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Learners practice their design on their models or manikins head for hair, or a person for make-up using their make-up resource as a guide to follow.
  • Learners present their manikins heads/make-up models for inspections.
  • Learners explain key points, they make suggestions, consider looking for links with questions and activities.
  • Learners explain if they have had any difficulties or did creating their look follow their plan.
  • Learners can explain and describe their results from the activity.
  • Once they have organised a plan for their look, learners can participate as helpers in the practical session if needed.

Take pictures of your practice work which you can load into your galery portfolio on your wiki page.

Group discussion:

  • Trainees select their most important key point and tell the group (select the next important if first has already been used).
  • Group compares their creation to the examples of Catwalk / Glamour / Cultural-Tribal.
  • Are there similarities/differences?
  • How has creativity been used?

Trainees brainstorm any new insights they have.

  • How close do the looks resemble their categories?

Conclusion: Finally submit your completed portfolio for assessment of activites. Display your manikin head in the library for judging. Most of all have fun creating your chosen look, I can't wait to see your portfolio, web page and finished work.