CCNC/CCNC Module 5/Retrieving data with queries

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Retrieving information using queries

The focus of this section is to develop an understanding of querying the database to gather specific information from an area of the database. this section is twofold; first, the learner will build an understanding of searching and applying filters to the database and how to to sort data for simplified review. The first section concludes with building a query using the query wizard. The second part of this section is dedicated to using the query designer to build and save queries that can be saved and used again.

Basic Query Operations

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Upon completion of this tutorial the learner will:
  • Search for information based on a query parameter
  • Use filters to find select information from a table or form
  • Sort information using a variety of methods
  • Apply sorting to a query
  • Remove filtering and sorts from tables and forms
  • Use the query wizard to build a query

Query Operations

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Upon completion of this tutorial the learner will:
  • Create a query that selects information from multiple tables
  • Add criteria to queries by using operators
  • Alter the fields (columns) presented in a query
  • Run a query
  • Save and reuse a query
  • Delete a query