CCNC/CCNC Module 5/Creating reports/Basic Reporting/Choosing The Data

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Tutorial.png Basic Reporting 

The Reporting Wizard | Choosing the data | Grouping and Sorting | Report Layout | Saving and Deleting | Self Assessment | Summary & FAQs

Choosing and setting the reports data source

Icon objectives.jpg


Upon completion of this tutorial the learner will be able to:
  • Select the reports data source
  • Add fields to the report
  • Change the display order of the fields
  • Assign labels to the reports fields

Choosing the source table

Figure 1. Source table(s)

From the Table or queries drop down list choose the table or query to base the report upon

Choosing the source fields

Figure 2. Report fields

Once the source has been selected the available fields can be moved to be fields in the report by selecting the field and then selecting the > to move the field into the report. The option available in the Field Selection step of the Report Wizard allow the following actions;

  # > - move the highlighted field
  # >> - move all the fields
  # < - remove the highlighted field from the report
  # << - remove all the fields from the report

Ordering the fields

Figure 3. Field order

The order of the fields on the report can be changed by using the up-arrow and down-arrow buttons on the right of the wizard dialog box.

Click on the Next button to go to the second screen of the Wizard.

Labeling the fields

Figure 4. Labeling the fields

Sometimes it is useful to add labels to the fields. This is particularly true when the field names of the table are not easily understood or an existing database is being used with a different country and language. Labels can be associated with every field on the report to assist in the reports comprehension.

Figure 5. Labeled fields

Test your knowledge

Icon qmark.gif

Selecting the data source


1. The display order of the fields can be changed?

Absolutely Correct!
Incorrect, fields can be moved up or down in the display order. Click here to review the topic.

2. Fields can be relabeled for the report, identify the possible reason for this activity.

(a) Database table field names are hard to comprehend
Almost correct, the best answer is (d). Click here to review the topic.
(b) Report needs to be in a different language than the database fields are currently in
Almost correct, the best answer is (d). Click here to review the topic.
(c) The audience uses words which meaning does not match the database field names
Almost correct, the best answer is (d). Click here to review the topic.
(d) All of the above
Absolutely correct!
(e) None of the above
Incorrect, the best answer is (d). Click here to review the topic.

3. A report can be based on a query?

Absolutely Correct!
Incorrect, a report can be based upon a query. Click here to review the topic.

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