Boingotlo's Action Plan - PAPA

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Workshop Title: COL/CTA/RUFORUM Web 2.0 Training for Research Support and Networking
Venue: Ridar Hotel, Mukono
Name: Boingotlo Sebolai
Institution: Botswana College of Agriculture (BCA)
Position: Senior Lecturer
Country: Botswana
Activities that I plan to implement after the training course Within 2 Months After 2 Months As Arises
Prepare a report regarding the training course and submit to College management X
Using the provided software, make a departmental presentation on the use of Web 2.0 tools in Teaching, Research and Networking in BCA X
Discuss with management the possibility of using Web 2.0 in the College X
Start putting some of my next semester course materials on web X
Assess knowledge Web 2.0 knowledge and training needs X