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ePortfolio is relevant for:


When LMS supported mainly institutions, ePortfolio is clearly designed for the individual. It’s user-centred and is often recalled as Personal Learning Environment. It goes without saying that it is the learner who gets the most of it. It is claimed that students are generally more capable of directing the learning on using ePortfolio to support their learning (Aalderink W, Veugelers M, 2005). Acording to Beetham learning process is captured for reflection, evaluation and assessment. Many argue (Beetham H 2003; Barrett H n.d.) that skills and competences gained in different context (be it formal or informal) can be recognized and developed more easily and efficiently with ePortfolio. Portability of artifacts and management. Jafari also recognizes ePortfolio and an useful aid in career placement (2004).


Beetham (2003) claims that ePortfolia provide more information about learners which results in enhancement of the selection process, improved reaserach and planning. She also advocates that it enhances collaboration with other organisations due to data sharing and interoperability of systems. According to Jafari (2004) ePortfolio provides an excellent tool for mapping learning, also in terms of accreditation and review of the faculties. The results are thus more transparent and easy to be assesed. Simens (2004) also indicates that ePortfolio can bind learners with institution for more than formal learning cycle, but I do not think it is of that importance nowadays.

See also Advantages of ePortfolio be continued...