Beginners' guide

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Beginners' guide

This Beginners' guide will show you how to add data to OpenAviationMap.

You need a computer connected to the Internet and of course some time. While OpenStreetMap only visible things are mapped OpenAviationMap also relies on invisible things like air spaces or traffic patterns. Therefore the information gathering differs. Ground facilities of aerodromes are imported from OpenStreetMap. Also airspace information is imported for countries who make it available for free. Currently this leaves the traffic patterns where we rely on contribution by people like you.

The data you add to OpenAviationMap improves aviation data available to pilots around the world. The data is not only used toe render maps but also as raw data by a variaty of apps/applications. Thank you for making OpenAviationMap just that bit better!

There is a panel on the right of every page of the tutorial. The page you are on will be in bold text and you can move to any other page by clicking on the relevant page title. The bottom of each page has 'next' and 'previous' links, as appropriate, to take you through the tutorial page by page.
