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A Wonderful Exploration of the Chilly Continent


A Primary School Teacher's Journey to Antarctica

photo courtesy of Luca Chiaroni

A teacher from Warrington School, Trisha Korth, has been granted a Primary Science Teacher Fellowship with the Royal Society for the second half of 2009.

The New Zealand Science, Mathematics and Technology Teacher Fellowship Scheme is funded by the New Zealand Government and administered by the Royal Society of New Zealand.

Read Trisha's PROFILE before and after her trip to Antarctica, to learn more about her, the programme and her learning experiences.


Project Exploration ICEBLOCK

What do you think of this cartwheel spin at New Harbour?...

...How many cartwheels on the ice can you see now?!

(Photo taken by Chazz Marriott)

Cartwheel spin in NH.jpg

Antarctica: Exploration ICEBLOCK

(click on title for the start of an adventure!)


Explorers in Antarctica

Explorers in Antarctica is the theme for Warrington School children in Term 4.

  1. Discover the early explorers Antarctic Exploration Highlights.
  2. Shakleton was an inspiring leader and lead one of the most amazing Antarctic explorations. "Miraculously, not one man was lost, surviving extreme cold, breaking ice floes, leopard seal attacks and an open boat journey". Read all about it here: A Miraculous Antarctic Journey Learn more about Shakleton's incredible expedition at NOVA: Voyage of Endurance.



Take a look at these pages of Trisha's photos and video clips from the Exploration ICEBLOCK journey.

These pages give a journal of images and descriptions about the Exploration ICEBLOCK journey. I've taken a thematic approach, not only from place to place but also of the happenings along the way. The scientific work done by the marine ecologists that hosted me gives a detailed explanation with photos and video clips for children to follow.

This is a collaborative journal which could not have been compiled without the generous support and contributions of our 'K082 team' who were constantly bombarded with questions and requests! Thanks guys.

To find out more about the NIWA marine ecologists Antarctic research project take a look at their ICECUBE website.

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Discussion Box

This is where I'll write up my Antarctic ramblings and exciting discoveries when I'm down there. And you'll be able to send me back replies, requests, comments and your own discoveries about Antarctic stuff!! Click into our Antarctica Exploration ICEBLOCK GoogleGroup to join the discussions.

Recent posts

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Exploration ICEBLOCK Calendar This will tell you the dates that I will be at different places around Antarctica and what I am planning when back in NZ.


Next steps

  • Local community showings of Antarctic photos and videoclips, with ECW gear kindly loaned by Antarctic NZ.
  • Continuing to add to this wikisite, hopefully useful and interesting information, photos etc. about my very fortunate Antarctic experience.

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