ASHS Coursebook: 2GEO (Level 2 Geography)

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Information icon.svg 2GEO
NCEA Level:
Primary Qualification:
Primary Learning Area:

What is this course about?

Geography is a study of the environment as the home of people and explores the relationships and connections between people and both natural and cultural environments. The level two geography course focus is on:

  • Understanding a large natural environment such as the Tongariro Volcanic Centre. This offers the opportunity to study a New Zealand region and undertake a fieldtrip to gain first hand knowledge of this environment.
  • As we are part of the global community and ever aware of what is happening in the rest of the world we study differences in development.
  • The study of global inequalities is complemented by a study of a geographic topic at a global scale. Typically this involves a study of a topic such as fracking or hydraulic fracturing as a controversial method of natural gas extraction.
  • A local study of Auckland would requires an explanation of social, economic and  physical urban pattern and processes that are responsible for variations in the urban (city) environment.
  • A New Zealand contemporary geographic issue study focuses on the location and size decisions for a marina development at Tairua is.

You will also have the opportunity to develop geographic research skills which will include data collection, processing, presentation and evaluation of methods and the application of geographic concepts to a specified environment.

Field work is an important part of any geography course. At least one full-day excursion is envisaged involving urban studies over the Auckland region and an overnight excursion to Tongariro National Park is planned.

Follow the link to watch the video "What is Geography?" This will give you a good idea of the wide variety of topics that are part of Geography. Follow this School of Gegraphy and Environmental Science, Auckland University link to see the splendour of the Tongariro region. the UNESCO website for this world heritage site at

What will I learn?

While studying geography you will learn about the following:

The Tongariro Volcanic Centre (central North Island) or the Amazon basin as natural landscapes; how these region differ spatially and the processes that evolved the landscapes. The effects of human activities and cultural perspectives on the landscape. The study includes a trip to Tongariro National Park.

An explanation of a New Zealand and a overseas city of national or global significance. This will include the characteristics of the city, processes that have influenced the development of the city and consequences of, and responses to change in the city. This includes what the city may become in the future. This topic also has a research component which is based on a fieldtrip to Auckland.

A study of disparities in development within or between countries. Questions that are asked include; how is development perceived and evaluated.  Ways in which natural and cultural factors contribute to development.

Two other topics include a study of a topic at a global scale, the production and consumption of coffee or the use of fracking as a mining method, and the viewpoints and possible courses of action for a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue.

What sorts of things will I do?

You will:

  • go on a field trip to the Tongariro National Park in the central North Island.
  • learn about the tropical rainforests of the world
  • focus on the Amazon region it's people and character
  • go on a field trip to Auckland.
  • learn about things that are happening around the world.
  • work with maps, images and global statistics of other nations and regions.
  • develop your speadsheet and presentation skills
  • identify geographic issues, viewpoints and argue what you think should be done to solve these issues.
  • use technology in your geographic surveys and research.

What standards can I enter?

Summary of Achievement Standards
NCEA Level Standard Number Name of standard Domain
Version Number Credits Assessment Link to Achievement Standard
Assessment Date

UE Literacy
Reading Writing
AS 91240 (2.1)
Demonstrate geographic understanding of a large natural environment.
10 Nov
Yes Yes
AS 91243 (2.4)
Apply geographic concepts and skills to demonstrate understanding of a given environment.
External External
10 Nov
- -
2 AS 91246 (2.7) Explain aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale. Geography 2 3 Internal Term 1
Week 9
3 April
- -
AS 91244 (2.5)
Conduct geographic research with guidance.

Term 2
Week 6
11 June

- -
AS 91245 (2.6)
Explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue.
Term 1
Week 7


TWO external standards & 'THREE internal standards will be offered

Total credits offered

(Internal + External)

19 (11+8)

Vocational Pathways provide a framework for students to show how their learning and achievement is valued in the workplace by aligning learning to the skills needed for industry.  Follow this link to see the profile for this course.

Frequently asked questions:

Are there any costs for this course?

Class trips will incur a charge for transport, accommodation and entry fees.

Purchase of prescribed write-in workbooks will be required and charged at the normal retail prices.

  • Write-in skills workbook $20

Year Planner

Course Schedule Year Planner 2017 Term 1 & 2 GEOGRAPHY 2GEO for WikiEd
Course Schedule Year Planner 2017 Term 3 & 4 GEOGRAPHY 2GEO for WikiEd