Adventure Tour Guiding/Activities/Clustering

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Mind Map

Image courtesy of kev hickey uk


Research techniques


Using two techniques - brainstorming and clustering to assist the research process


Brainstorming can help generate ideas that will develop your theme. You can brainstorm ideas individually or in a group. Make sure you record all the ideas that are forthcoming, even the most riduculous may lead to a unique theme. It should be a fun activity to carry out.

Here are two techniques for you to try. Use them again whenever you have to work through the checklist for themes. Complete these examples:

Synergic Comparison - comparing unlike objects:

  • how is a snake like a fish
  • how is a bird like an airplane
  • how is a river like a person's circulatory system

Clustering - this is similar to mindmapping. Its a technique that you would use on your own rather than in a group. Try this:

  • write a topic in the centre of a sheet of paper and circle it - (100% Pure)
  • jot down words or ideas as fast as they come to ming

Key concepts and patterns will automatically create a framework for your interpretation.

  • Use the link below (under resoursces) to help you understand how to create a cluster or mindmap.

Supporting Resources