User:JimTittsler/OERu Business Model

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Open Business Model Canvas

Overall Open Environment Business Fits In? - Problem and Shared Outcome Sought: Unsatisfied demand for affordable access to university-level education. Building courses based entirely on OER combined with summative assessment services from accredited institutions we will reduce the cost of a university degree to 20 - 25% of the comparible cost of full tuition.

Key Partners

OER Foundation (Non profit organisation which assists education institutions achieve their strategic objectives using open education approaches. The OERF is coordinating the implementation of the OERu))

Global community of OERu partner institutions (Accredited universities, colleges and polytechnics from six regions of the world)

UNESCO/COL/ICDE OER Chair network (The implementation of the OERu is a designated project of the UNESCO/COL/ICDE OER Chair at Otago Polytechnic and the OERF establishing linkages with international intergovernmental agencies.)

Key Activities

Open design and assembly of free university-level courses from existing OER for independent study online.

OERu partner institutions offer assessment-only services for formal academic credit towards credible credentials at significantly reduced fees (cost recovery)

OERF provides technology infrastructure for collaborative development, hosting and delivery of open online courses

Value Proposition

Affordable education toward recognised degrees (reduction of potential student debt.)

OERu Partners share experiences of OEP within a global network of like-minded partners

Reduce capital development cost associated with designing open online courses through reuse.

Diversify curriculum offerings particularly for low enrolment courses which are too expensive to develop locally.

Build capability in open design methodologies.

Generate new business arising from disaggregated services using open courses.

Customer Relationships

High-quality self-study leveraging peer-learning interactions with anyone wanting to learn

Formal academic credit for learners seeking formal credentials

Virtual mobility of learners across national boundaries

Customer Segments

Learners participating in topics out of self interest

Professional development learners looking to upgrade knowledge (Certificates of participation and certificates of learning)

Formal academic study leading to formal academic qualifications

Post-secondary education institutions who wish to build capability in the adoption of open education approaches

Post-secondary institutions who want to diversify revenue streams through unbundling of core services.

Post-secondary institutions using the OERu network in reponse to their social inclusion agendas.

Businesses who wish to sponsor assembly of open online courses through corporate citizenship

Key Resources

Global inventory of OER and open access learning materials

Open source software technology infrastructure

Volunteer staff time contributions from partner institutions to each assemble of two courses


Cost Structure

Central technology infrastructure to host development and delivery of courses at no-cost to learners.

Staff time for assembly of open online courses from existing OER

Coordination, management and support of the network

CC Licenses

Free cultural works approved CC licenses (Principle of engagement of OERu partners)

CC-BY, CC-BY-SA Public Domain

Social Good

Free learning opportunities for all students worldwide

Revenue Streams

Central infrastructure of the OER Foundation funded through nominal membership fee of OERu partner institutions.

Recurrent cost for assessment services and new revenue generated from fee for services provide by OER partner institutions.

Open Business Model Canvas by Paul Stacey, Creative Commons based on Business Model Canvas Poster designed by Business Model Foundry AG CC BY-SA 3.0